Sorsogon National High School Class of '82 SORSOGON, SORSOGON, PHILIPPINES
GRADUATION FACTS ABOUT CLASS of '82 Date of graduation - April 2, 1982 Number of graduates - 776 Graduation ceremony was the 60th for the school. Last class to hold graduation at the SNHS Hall. To keep up with the austerity program, the graduates wore their daily school uniform instead of the traditional white attire. (source: The Luzon Tip) Send messages to your batch mates!...Write comments or suggestions on any activities concerning our batch...Or simply post what's on your mind.... Visit our DISCUSSION BOARD! Check if your friend is celebrating his/her birthday today.... See our BIRTHDAY PAGE!
VISIT the BLOGSPOT of our BATCHMATES from Our Lady of Peñafrancia Seminary (OLPS)
Have you forgotten who were your classmates in high school? Don't despair...Just click the page for the BOYS & GIRLS of CLASS '82 and voila! that name that you've been trying to figure out (well...he/she might be a favorite seatmate or a class bully..hmmm) can be found in the list! For comments & suggestions, please e-mail the Webmaster at ![]()
TO ALL MEMBERS OF SNHS BATCH '82 - We are now starting our fund campaign for our 2007 Grand Alumni Homecoming (our 25th!). By tradition, we as silver jubilarians will lead all the activities and take care of all the expenses. The batch depends on members' generosity to make this special event a big success. Please help in any way that you can. Contact Arlene at for more information about our planned reunion. See you in Sorsogon! WELCOME CLASS of '82! Would you believe it's been more than 20 years since we marched on the aisles of our school, went up the stage and received our high school diplomas?! The small hall of our school was jam-packed with proud relatives and guests who were there to celebrate with us as we marked another accomplishment in the field of education. We were wearing our school uniforms instead of the traditional white graduation dresses for girls and formal wear for boys because our town was devastated by several typhoons on our senior year. But even with the austere atmosphere during our graduation, cameras were clicking everywhere and faces beamed with triumphant smiles. Deep inside though, we were all filled with conflicting emotions. As we joyfully hugged, congratulated and cheered each other, feelings of sadness and anxieties somewhat tried to dampen our joyous spirits - in our minds one thing was sure - our lives would no longer be the same after that day. Uncertainties of the kind of life beyond our high school world concerned our young minds. Most of all, friends would go on separate ways never knowing when they would meet again. Years have passed and we wonder what has had become of our high school classmates. Most of us are longing to meet again those old friends if only to help us recollect the days when we were young and carefree… when life was uncomplicated. High school memories are thus far the sweetest of all. Whether we accept it or not, we are all pushing 40 now! That doesn't stop us, however, from having fun and reminiscing our high school days - the best (as far as most of us are concerned) of our teenage years! Looking back, we realized that our lives then were full of simple pleasures. Our small parties, trips to Bacon Beach, the walk to downtown, our gathering in a friend's house talking about silly stuff - were precious little moments that gave life to our own world. And have you ever thought how much time we spent together attending classes and going through "trying" times taking quizzes, oral tests, presentations and the dreaded periodical tests? Think about those times together… think about the experiences that we went through… think about the memories that we created… Our lives, dear batch mates, are intertwined. Wherever we are now, we say thank you to our teachers for painstakingly imparting the knowledge that shaped our characters and intellects. Thank you to our dear school, the Sorsogon National High School for giving us the safe haven to freely learn everything our inquisitive minds would like to know. But most of all, our deep gratitude to our school for the opportunity to meet friends and get a glimpse of what's life is all about from each other. Through our friendships, childish fights and young relationships, we took our little steps to adulthood. Now dear batch mates, we have our very own place in the web. Let's get in touch, reconnect and rekindle the friendships that we forged inside the portals of our school. We are more mature now (I hope!) and most of us are respected professionals and leaders in our communities. But in this page, we are still the Class of '82 - youthful, unaffected, cheerful and simple. It's me! Arlene IV - Agate
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Last Updated: July 30, 2003 |